Kizomba Obsession

Kizomba Obsession is dedicated to providing everything you need to know about the Kizomba dance community; including dance instruction assistance and tips on how get involved with this world-wide movement.

Kizomba is perfect for anyone who wants to enter the world of social dancing because the initial soft basic steps can gradually progress to more complex dance styling.

Dancers who are skilled in other Latin / African partnered styles love the beautiful and sensual art of Kizomba with its explosive and contagious music and bold moves.

Kizomba music and dance has seduced souls and has conquered the world with festivals, competitions and social events. The intimate dance connection between partners showcases leading and following skills.

We spotlight all the dance styles of Kizomba from traditional Passada to the more sexy and modern trends of Urban Kiz, like Tarraxinha, Quadrinha and Ventoinha.

Kizomba Obsession highlights the unique experience of dancing for all levels to feel the energy and excitement of Kizomba

Kizomba Obsession Team

Kizomba Obsession is owned and operated by Kizomba enthusiast and dancer, Ildin G, who travels across the country connecting with the best in the genre.  

If you are interested in collaborating with sponsorships, promoting your events and marketing your classes or dance school, simply contact us.

Let Kizomba Obsession connect your business and events with students and people ready to dance!

Kizomba Events

Learn about the hottest Kizomba events from dance socials to nightclubs.

Kizomba Classes

Sign-up for a Kizomba class near you!